Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday Craft Mania...

Okay, well, one craft mania anyways.....

I was feeling a little ugh this morning. Not a good mom day, gloomy weather and time dragging on until I head out of the country with my best girls....

So, what does a girl do when she feels this way? Answer: craft.

I have seen these everywhere and have wanted one for years......they are just so pretty. Since I had SOOOO many extra christmas ornaments this year, I decided to figure it out. So, here it is.....and ps, I love it!


Gibb Family said...

P.P.S. I love it too! My sister just made one too and posted it on her blog. I think I will have to follow the crowd on this one!

KD said...

Me too!! Giving you a vertual pat on the back! I saw this on a blog and was going to make one too. Was it pretty easy? Oh i love love love it!

(me)linda said...
