Monday, November 16, 2009

Our little Miss Merry Christmas...

Miss Merry Christmas has arrived! She also goes by Scoutt but today, she discovered the magic of Christmas......all the tinsel, lights and decorations. She literally wore this hat for hours today and danced away to all the carols that I was singing. I'm training her young to love Christmas and all that goes with it so when she's my age, she'll be putting her tree up mid-november too!


(me)linda said...

Darn cute. Greg came home today, and asked why in the world we were listening to Christmas music in the middle of November. :)

KD said...

oH i adore this picture!! She is so sweet and im totally jelous of getting the tree up. I want to get new decorations this year and have not had time to just go do it, other wise we would be right with ya!

Gibb Family said...

So cute! I told Troy you were putting your tree up but he didn't go for it. I think it just might appear one day soon in the living room :)

Jason Alisynn and kids said...
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Tobie said...

She looks so big in this picture! Wow time flies!