Sunday, December 27, 2009


Some pics of Christmas.....the best one is of Scoutt. She hates the ride on quad that we got her. I'm serious....she hates it. She screams when we put her on it and then climbs off of it and starts hitting it. Oh well, I'm sure her cousins will love to play with it when they come for a visit. The rest of Christmas was a success. I realize that our pile of gifts looks kind of big but in our defense, our tree is so low to the ground that not one gift could fit under the tree.


KD said...

OH i love Scoutty's tent!! So so cute!!! Tehehe about her quad. Blaze will help her get use to it!

(me)linda said...

Scoutt + the new quad = hilarious :)

Glad you guys had a merry Christmas! Thanks for the was super cute!

LL said...

I love the expression on Scoutt's face. We had some of those gifts this year too, and we just rolled our eyes and realized eventually, someone will play with them. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. Happy New Year!