Sunday, February 7, 2010

Crazy Green and Domino Rally

We have been so busy for the past few months building bedrooms in the basement for our two oldest monkeys. Keegan chose an Edmonton Oilers room which is kind of too bad because they stink so badly right now. Tatum choose a Kooky Argyle themed room and the color is bright green......crazy bright green! Here is a few shots of her room....she loves the times around the world, as does Keegan so she chose to have home, hollywood and paris up on her wall. Keegan went with Bucharest, home and Kuala Lumpur.....seriously, yes. He wanted the place with the two tallest twin towers......hence, Kuala Lumpur. What a funny kid. On Thursday this past week, the kids and I went up to Edmonton to spend the day with Grandma Sharpe. We were so lucky that some of their cousins got to come over and play also. We took lots of Ryan's old games and Domino Rally was a part of the loot. Keegan loves setting up the tracks and I think Ryan is, as we speak, downstairs reliving his childhood, setting up the dominoes again.


KellyLady said...

What great parents you are to let her choose that color and follow through with it! Love the clock idea!

Gibb Family said...

I LOVE that color! and domino rally is always fun!

Greg said...

I love that in Canada, you can travel the world ad it will always be the same time.

KD said...

Hehe i noticed that too Greg. I love the color!

Woodwards said...

I LOVE the green! So crazy and fun! Scoutt is so cute sitting with Ryan. And love the ring pop. Hilarious! Missed you today! <3

SunShine said...

When I was 12 I had the option of painting my room any color. I chose one similar to this snazzy green...but I didn't know that the hidden clause of my picking a color was "and mom and dad have the last choice in the matter" so I settled for a pale 'anne of green gables' green. Oh well it was better than white. Go Tatum!!