Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cub Cars and craziness.....

Yesterday was the Cub Car Rally for our stake. Keegan was pretty excited but he also had a fever and was not sure whether he really wanted to go or not. We went and weighed his car in and it was way too light. We glued washers to the bottom and headed to the gym for the races. Poor, as "newbies" to this whole thing..didn't realize that the track had a raised part in the middle that goes in the middle of the car.....get what I'm saying? Anyways, Keegan's car was so slow....we think the absolute slowest in the whole competition but afterwards, we realized that all the glue, pellets and washers were rubbing against the raised part on the wonder his was so slow. He was so brave since his car pretty much sucked at the races but I kept telling him....."Hey, your car is the only one here that is sponsored by Saturn and Jaguar.....Obviously, they think you're awesome". We put his "sponsors" vinyl stickers on the sides of his car. His car did look awesome and I guess we learned for next year. Oh well....someone has to be last right?????


KD said...

Bahahaha that was funny. I would have not know that at all but Brad did.

Christine said...

Thanks for the tips- our is coming up and I can just imagine after seeing the first one I bet your hubby's mind is just working on how to blow them all away next year!!