Monday, January 26, 2009

Dont We All Want to go Back to High School

So, this is what we did on Saturday.......Tatum and Mom........for Tatum's birthday.....yes, she's nine now. Her age would explain alot of my wrinkles! The show was so much fun. The skating was amazing....triple axels and all. The only down side to this whole event was walking from the parking lot into Rexall Place.....about 1 km in -31 weather....we just about froze but both of us decided it was well worth it.

January is birthday month at the Sharpe household. Keegan turned 7 on the 3rd, Ryan 32 on the 6th, Missy ...... a lady never tells...... and Tatum 9 on the 25th. The kids were excited for their birthday....the mom and dad....not so much. I guess the one good thing about my birthday is that I`m getting old enough to finally start understanding simple things in life and appreciating life in general. I was at the grocery store the other day, checking out the frozen food aisle. I scooped up a bag of Green Giant Peas...these are the ones Ryan likes best. I had a moment there, where I actually teared up, realizing how lucky I am to be able to buy Green Giant peas. For years our only options was the not so juicy no-name ones that were much cheaper. So, yes, I felt very silly in the store, tearing up over Green Giant Peas, but realizing too how lucky I am that my husband works so hard and has gotten us to a place that we can afford `brand name` peas. Enjoy the small and simple speeds by far to quickly to not........


SunShine said...

We're not at the 'brand name peas' stage yet. But I can almost see what you mean because we feel good when we buy a can of minute maid juice...that was unheard of 2 years ago :)

Gibb Family said...

Sounds like you had fun. I'm glad i'm not there for that cold though.

(me)linda said...

Whoa how did Scoutty get left out of all the January fun? That's a whole lotta celebrating going on. Happy Birthday to you all!!!!!!!

Greg said...

I'd have to say brand name or not...frozen peas are gross. Only fresh ones for me!

TinaLaRae said...

I've been there before too, isn't it nice to get those special reminders and lessons!