Friday, January 16, 2009

Ry's Crazy Adventure

Feel the rhythm..Feel the rhyme..Get on's boblsed time!!!! Ryan went down to COP last Saturday and had his bobsled ride. It was crazy fun for him. The instructor told the guys that the most g-force is at the back of the sled so of course, Ryan was first in line for the back of the sled. He made is down the track in 59.23 seconds at a speed of 123 km/h....... It was such a great ride for him.....


Greg said...

I really want to try this now!!!

(me)linda said...

That sounds like so much fun and also completely CRAZY. Of course my husband wants to do it.

Christine said...

I love that you have yhe Dixie Chicks on your playlist- I love them - how's the running have you overcome tyour aversion to sweating yet?