Friday, January 30, 2009

Super Achievers 'R Us

I'm sure every mother feels the same way as I do........that her children are super achievers. Well, my children proved me right again (like I'm ever wrong anyways) and achieved greatness this week. Keegan was given an award at school for his fantastic writing abilities. Tatum was given an award at school for her fantastic writing abilities. Scoutty, well, she will have fantastic writing abilities some day but this week, she's learned to roll over, which we all think is pretty fantastic, seeing as how she only just turned 3 months old. If she is this mobile at 3 months, I think some craziness is headed my way in the near future with her.

Ryan and I are so proud of the kids. It's been especially hard this move and they are trying so hard to make friends and do what's right. They are awesome children, even if they do wedgie me once in a while.......


(me)linda said...

Good workers! Scoutt is rolling?!

Christy said...

That is so awesome for your kids! They ARE great... But isn't it nice when others recognize it too!?

LL said...

You really DO have great kids, you know. I miss seeing their cute faces in primary!

leslie s said...

Way to go Sharp kids!! They are so darn cute!! It was fun catching up with you yesterday!