Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dear Dad......

Dear Dad,

I'm writing this slow cause I know you can't read fast.(name the show)

Ryan and I acquired Guitar Hero World Tour the other day. Doing this has brought up the fact, once again, that he wasn't "raised right". Let me explain...... When we play Guitar Hero, one of our most favorite songs as a family, with the exception of Ryan, is Willie Nelsons' "On the Road Again`......we all sing along and Ryan just rolls his eyes that we all love this song. I tell him, It`s not my fault you werent raised right......

In my opinion, I was raised right. Thanks Dad for introducing me to CCR, Three Dog Night, and Willie and Waylon and the boys....... You raised me right and I intend to raise my children right.



ps. I really do think that Ryan was raised right. Thanks Ted and did a marvelous job....he`s a wonderful man.


Gibb Family said...

He sure did miss out on some good music. Good thing World Tour is there to teach him now!

Greg said...

Gotta love the good old music. My parents even play world tour because it has some of these great old songs. I remember my dad listening to all the same music you mentioned. Good times.

(me)linda said...

gotta love the classics.