Sunday, November 15, 2009

Notice Anything Missing?

Ryan got up Friday morning, got ready for work and then announced that he needed to take the truck to work since he was going out into the "field" and was driving in some fields. Of course, the truck was a little "littered" with Halloween candy from a few weeks ago, so I got up and went out and helped clean it up. He then left for work and our day was going fine. I was going to meet up with someone in Calgary so I got ready for that and headed out. Our day was pretty uneventful until later that night. Ryan called on his way home from work and said that something was wrong with the truck. I, of course, was mad because I hate it when the vehicles break....because it costs so much to fix, yada yada..... Anyways, he got home and we checked the back tires and there was something definitely wrong. The driver side back tire was tilted a little bit and something was rattling. I called my dad, since he still is the best mechanic I know, and asked what the problem could be. He told me a few things but also said to check and make sure that the lug nuts were tight. So, being my bossy old self, I told Ry to go check that. He came back inside a few minutes later and said that I needed to come look. This is what we found......

Notice anything missing? Yeah, how about 4 lug nuts. We were amazed. How did this happen? We couldn't even begin to think how this could have happened. As we pondered this, my anger turned to fear and then to sheer appreciation for a loving Heavenly Father who watches and protects us.......Let me explain. Ryan was supposed to drive 3 hours out of town on Friday but the person he was going with, had his truck right in front of their building so, they thought they may as well just take his truck. But I had to go to Calgary that day and because Ryan thought he was driving and took my truck, I had to drive his car. We both left the city, driving for how many hours and neither of us took the truck. Lucky chance, you may say, but if you know anything about me, I take my truck, come hell or high water. It has a six disc changer in it and heated seats....what more does a girl want, eh? Needless to say, I was no longer angry about having a broken truck. We were just grateful that we were all at home, safe and sound because we realize, the day could have ended on a much more horrible note.


tallmama said...

That's a lot of lug nuts to be missing!! Glad Heavenly Father was watching out!!

SunShine said...

I love stories like this. Because of the outcome...not because you were in immediate danger :0)
Thank you for reminding me to count my blessings.

Woodwards said...

I'm so glad you're still here with all of your humour and flair and awesomeness! We love you!