Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another Happy Birthday....

So, for all of you two people out there that actually read this may get really tired this month of all the Happy Birthday's! Yes, Keegan, Ryan, Tatum and I are all January babies. Poor Scoutt. She gets her very own month for her birthday!

So this post is a Happy Birthday to my main man.......Ryan!

When I first met Ryan, he was a the "newest" returned missionary to come into our singles ward. I remember many conversations many of my friends were having about him. I thought, ugh, whatever, he's not that cute and went on with my life. It wasn't until about 8 months later that I actually talked to him, hung out with him and eventually got engaged, married, school, 3 kids, 2 cars and a mortgage with him.

He has surpassed everything ideal that I had about him. We didn't know each other really well before we got married. I have learned things about him over the years that have surprised me and inspired me. I can't imagine my life without him. He makes the world make sense to me. I am so lucky to have him and the kids are so lucky to have such a great dad. I dont know any other dads out there that read to their children every night, have their own special "chats" with their children every night or take them out on "dates" regularly.

We are so lucky to have him......even with all of his little quirks....okay, really there is only a couple. He breathes funny at night and it annoys me and well, that's all I can think of right now!

Happy Birthday Ryan! We all love you!

I just added this picture of Ryan with his Birthday present......a new Ipod Touch! Really, he was trying to look doesn't just come naturally to him!


Gibb Family said...