Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ski Loppet....

Seriously, what the heck is a LOPPET??? It's the weirdest name for a race that I've ever seen. Anyways, we just got home from watching Tatum participate in the ski loppet. All the city schools put their best kids in to race and it turned out so fun. Tatum is not at all competitive so she was just having a great time. She was in about the middle of the pack. Somewhere around the 180-200 mark of 400 kids so she did well. It's her first year skiing and she is loving it. We were cheering for her so loud at one point on the course that she fell over because she was so distracted....oh well, at least she knows we love her! It was such a fun event and we are so proud of her for exceling in all that she does. She is so fun!!!


KD said...

Way to go Tate!!!

Jason Alisynn and kids said...

Yay Tates! Way to go! cute picture!!

Tobie said...

How fun! What a cute picture!