Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lucky Us!!

This morning we woke up to a wonderfully decorated door and front porch. Some sneaky little leprechaun decorated everything so pretty and left us a note that promises some fun between now and St. Patty's Day. Needless to say, we are so excited. I love my Irish heritage and love this holiday.....it's right up there with Christmas. This little leprechaun better be sneaky though, cause I've always wanted one for a pet so we are going to try so hard to catch it.....wish us luck. Oh yeah, we don't need luck, we're Irish....we were born lucky!!


Autumn said...

How fun is that. I hope you catch that little guy they can certianly be tricky.

Maybe the kids should rig a trap to catch him ...or her. Are there girl leperchauns?

Christine said...

You guys lead one exciting life- I wish I had a leprechaun stalker sneaking around on my porch at night!!! Happy St Paddy's Day!!