Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My warped sense of humor......

I finally decorated my bathroom this past week. I was so sick of the beige walls and the lack of character that it had. So I painted two walls chocolate brown, put up some stars and a word search on the wall across from the toilet......yes, you can do your business and be entertained at the same time....

Anyways, I had the space above the tub to fill so I came up with this crazy idea to post some pics of cracks with a reminder for my kids to wash all of their cracks when they're in the shower. It turned out pretty cute......the bum crack is Scoutty's.....a little baby's crack is still cute!


KellyLady said...

ha ha ha! that is cute!

Gibb Family said...

That's funny. Love the brown!

SunShine said...

you are the woman to pull this off! I love it.

Jenie said...

That is adorable & hilarious.

The Stannix's said...

lol this is awesome!

The Stannix's said...

lol this is awesome!