Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What a day.....

You may read the title and think that something crazy happened......hmmm, just the opposite. Nothing but my regular stuff happened today and I thought that since this is my journal, I should document a day in the life of Missy. So, up at 6, off to the gym. Had a hard time running since my eyes were still partially closed. Home at 7, made breakfast, got hubby out the door to work, cleaned house, got Tates off to school....Keegan's at home for the second day with pink eye. Clean some more. Go grocery shopping. Make pie for Ryan's office. Do laundry. Make lunch. Clean kitchen for second time today. Get scoutty off for a nap. Fold laundry and entertain Keegs. Take pie down to Ryan and pick Tates up at school. Help with homework. Help with papers. Make supper. Clean kitchen for third time today. Fold laundry. Scriptures and prayer. Tuck kiddies into bed. Give Ryan instructions on errands to run for me. Fold more laundry and yes, that brings me to wonder I'm so tired. I always say to Ryan....oh, not much happened today but this is pretty much what everyday looks like in my life. So, as grateful as I am for this wonderful break to blog, I need to get back to my laundry and then sorting out papers, jars, ribbons etc. for a craft that I'm doing for the stake on Saturday. Dr. Oz says that if you fall asleep within 5 minutes of your head hitting the pillow, then your sleep deprived. Some days I don't even recall putting my head on my pillow....I'm out long before that. And as crazy as my days are, I still find time to enjoy the funny little things my kiddies do........hence, the picture of Scoutt. She loves stuff on her head, her binkie, her blankie and her book. She's such a goof.


KellyLady said...

Yep... no wonder us mom's are tired! And I agree with you - most days I don't remember my head getting to the pillow!
Scout is seriously CUTE!

Little Miracles said...

Your Scoutt is pretty precious. You have a busy life and I think us moms are just awesome with all we can accomplish. Justin always says to me, you would make us so rich if you were the full time worker because you work so hard and get so much done.

shannon said...

im blog snooping, and im tired just reading this! maybe you should take a break from all that cleaning and make 2 pies, one for the office and one for me!
shannon evans