Tuesday, October 19, 2010

And it's OFF!!!!

Thanks to everyone who helped out with our Gibb Family Christmas project of sending Christmas gifts to children in Romania!!! It was sent this morning....I wont even tell you how much that was to ship but man, that was thrilling. I was teary eyed this morning just thinking about all the joy that that small box is going to bring! We ended up with very little left over of all of the donations...just a few big items but other than that....everything went!! We wrote letters to the children last night. Ryan wrote his in Romanian and helped the kids write a little bit of Romanian in their's! And yes, we had brownies.....Keegan's face doesn't usually look like this!!! We are so excited about this whole thing and are anxious to hear from the missionaries who are delivering the toys!!!!


Gibb Family said...

oh man! we didn't get anything to you in time! That's awesome, i'm sure they will love it!