Saturday, June 25, 2011

If at first you don't suceed....TRI, TRI again!

The kids did their first triathlon today and yes, they are going to try it again next year. They did pretty well and had so much fun and are super pumped for next years race. They enjoyed the morning with tons of their friends that were doing it too. Keegan won a prize made his day! Any guesses what it was? Something that ANNOYS THE CRAP out of me? Drumroll..............yes, another watch. Seriously, their were tons of prizes and that's what he got? If you dont know what I'm talking about, I'll have to do another post on Keegan and his watches. Anyways, they loved every minute of it and we're so proud of them. Because, unlike them finishing the race, I would have drowned in the pool!

Oh yeah.....Scoutty got to run a little race too and won a medal. She also met 7 different mascots and was yelling at all of them..."I need a pound" with her little fist funny!


tallmama said...

so cute about Scoutty!! Way to go Keeg's and Tatum!!

KD said...

Wowza!! What awsome kids! I'm so proud of them! They Rock!